The Name: Born out of the desire to ensure that an artist work can, and will, receive the needed support to unearth
The Aim: To promote 100% success in art works that is produced.
The Objective: To help increase the potentials hidden and suppressed in members.
The Core Values: :-Our values are to help gather information and present it to the world.
:-Projecting the image of writing and its importance to society and the world.
:-Success is a sure thing. To help better understand the importance of Literature in society; that it’s Literature that keeps society going.
The Plan: To confer attained knowledge into those who seek and want such knowledge and are willing to use to the best of their ability the knowledge they receive and better still increase the store of knowledge already available
The Constitution: To accept instructions to perform tasks and duties, to excel above one’s imaginations and to make a difference.
Why Wright To The World: -To discover and recognize upcoming and potential writers and literary artists and give them increased confidence to pursue writing, even as a career.
The Commitment: ‘To be committed to every action, reaction as well as participating in any and every way possible to the best of my ability.’
The Pledge: To do to One’s best ability the Will of God regarding his or her talents as well as supporting the development of One’s Society and Country.
Where The Road Begins: ‘A journey of a thousand Miles’, they say, ‘begins with a step.’ The road starts from your mind; your zeal as well as your determination. It’s an endless road but it begins with you.
The Future: To promote participation throughout and across geographical; social; political; religious as well as imposed boundaries.
The Training: Information, guidance, monitoring and training will be offered to members who wish to do so for an agreed fee. Such training will be short. However, long courses could be considered.
Finding Help: Tap form the Source. Trust, Try and Triumph. A potential in full force goes on and on, not even outer space can be a limit. Find help from God, The Source. We are also to help ourselves.
The Reward: A big smile on your face, a bursting pocket and a bright future.